Thank you 2024 Climbers!

Wow, wow, wow! What another incredible year. We are beyond appreciative and grateful for all your effort, generosity and support - we cannot do the good we do, without you. We can't wait to see you all (and some new faces!) next year - and registration for 2025 is ALREADY OPEN! So sign your self or team up today and you'll have all year to recruit new and old members! Register HERE

We're thrilled to welcome you to Climb the Wall 2024, an exhilarating event organized by the BC Lung Foundation. Get ready to embark on a journey that not only challenges you physically but also makes a meaningful impact on lung health across our community.

Event Details

Date: Sunday, March 24. 2024
Location:Sheraton Wall Centre, Vancouver

Price: Registration is free, however, we kindly ask each climber to raise a minimum of $225

Event Schedule:
(Please note that these times are approximate and will be updated prior to March 24th)

8:00am:Check-In open

9:00 am:Climb the Wall Kickoff:
Welcome from Chris Lam and Tom DeSourcy of the BC Lung Foundation.
Thrilling Firefighter Opening Parade
Brunch Opens

9:30 am:Conquer the Heights
Firefighter Waves 1 & 2 Start
Performance by CircusWest - LED Fans and Staff

9:50 am:Rise to the Challenge
Non-Firefighter Waves 1 & 2 Start
Performance by CircusWest - Illusion Juggling

10:10 am:Reach New Peaks
Firefighter Waves 3 & 4 Start
Performance by CircusWest - Hoops + POI

10:30 am:Welcome Back, Repeat Climbers
Embrace the energy with CircusWest Glow Extravaganza - 
Performance by CircusWest - Clubs


11:15 am:Celebrate Achievement: Awards Recognition
Applaud fastest climbers, top fundraisers, and winners of the SPACE AND TIME CHALLENGE
Closing Thank you from the BC Lung Foundation
CircusWest Glow Extravaganza The Finale


Let's climb together for lung health!
Are you ready?